Friday, August 10, 2012

Summer Girlfriends "Shockwaves"

(Addenda) Full disclosure: Even if I hated this record I would say I loved it, because without a doubt this LP has the 11 best song titles EVER! "Dirt Under My Nails," "PG-13 Sex Scene," "Balloon Rooms," "Lost Boys," "Milo and Danzig," "Shake and Bake"...and there's five more! Universal or whatever the name is of the last big record label should just hire these women as song title consultants and put them on a huge retainer. I was just reading an interview with that Cheap Time guy and he said that when he was in high school he would just come up with song titles, not songs, all day in school, and then go home and improvise a new album every week based on the titles...and that guy's awesome, so don't sleep on the titling! Fortunately, though I would lie in deference to the song titles, I don't have to (or do I?) because these slightly weird, sunshiny, reverby, middle-fi, moody pop girl group gems are a delicious candy with a weird aftertaste!

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