Thursday, January 17, 2013

Slow Poisoner "Macabre" b/w "The Green Chair"

(Vagrant) Gothic folk songs that involve flying glass eyes, cigarette burns, swinging sanitarium gates, elegant impaling, chain dragging, and gas sniffing. Or maybe it doesn't...are these metaphors for love gone wrong? Is is love itself a metaphor for ghost stories and chair torture? Or are corpses and spooks a meta metaphor for life? All these questions and less will be spookily unanswered by the handsome haint with the mournful guitar, who this time ain't selling snake oil!

1 comment:

  1. Having witnessed the recording session I might be able to answer such questions, but screaming voodoo puppets carved from ancient timber took up residence in my mind from that day. I can only beg you not to list... no... the drum... it calls... must obey it...
