Sunday, March 7, 2021

Pringles Scorchin' BBQ


(Pringles) Not even vaguely scorchin'! Obviously scorchin' should be hotter than flamin' hot, and this is not even in FH's neighborhood. Maybe my tube was broken, but if this was being judged in a Hot or Not situation, this would be a thundering Not. But let's talk about the redesign of the mascot: I get that replacing the hair with eyebrows allows for a lot of eyebrow-action mood changes and expressions, but I am not sure about the solid mustache over the textured mustache. I figure that the way the chips spoon together in-tube is represented the harmoniousness invoked by a barbershop quartet, thus the old timey guy. But losing the mustache hairiness now makes it seem extra artificial, which is accurate, but they should shy away from that. So: new sleek look is slightly less old-timey (less harmonious) and more unnatural, but in exchange, the character is more expressive. Not taking a stand here, but not excited about the change. But moreso, how the f-word is this scorchin'?

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