( Guest review by Gary Pig Gold)

Really then! A concept so crystalline in both its simplicity
and beauty – much like Iggy himself,
one such as myself could argue. But the result is mountains above and beyond
the ultimate DIY epic for Generation YouTube: What we have here is a real-time
and, of course, real LOUD (thanks in no small part to the work of audio
recordist Max Bisgrove) down 'n' dirty antidote to all those precious Jonathan
Demme-style concert films regularly being awarded art-house praises and prizes.
Raw Power Live: In The
Hands Of The Fans is in fact, with all apologies to The TAMI Show, the best on-screen rendering of rock 'n' roll I have
ever seen.
First off, we introduce the six esteemed
camera(wo)men/filmmakers themselves:
* Nick Esposito, surrounded by Stoogephelia galore inside
his very own fun house showing off "rare, out-of-print French vinyl"
(with picture sleeve!)
* Edwin Samuelson, who has seen the Stooges six times in
concert (and jumped on stage with them four of those six times)
* Stephen Schmidt, who describes himself as "somewhere
between a Stooges fan and a Stooges historian" (and wonders how the band
ever got from John Coltrane and Harry Partch all the way over to "Search
and Destroy") (simple, answers Iggy: "All the great black and
hillbilly artists had been ripped off already")
* Britt Clardy, a 23-year-old film student from Denton,
Texas who looks all the world to be a long-lost refugee from Blue Cheer
* Amy Verdon, pacing excitedly amongst her most impressive
indeed floor-to-ceiling record collection
* Matt Goldman, curious to know exactly what happened after each original Raw Power master was faded out on its initial vinyl release (again,
Iggy explains "There was a point in time when to hear a good, memorable
song was like" – expectant pause – "an alien visitation. It was 'Oh my god, it came in! Where did it
come from? Nobody knows!' And it came, and it put that message in your brain
and then" – even more dramatic pause – "it disappeared. And for me, that was the point of the fade out: To
make the song disappear as the message is being repeated in your brain")
(and, to demonstrate, Iggy sings a note-perfect chorus of "Be My Baby" straight into
Matt's startled face).
But enough of this yakkin'! It's time to cut straight to, in
bassist Mike Watt's words, the small Borscht-belt town of Monticello and a pad
called Kutsher's for this 70-minute concert rendition of Raw Power and then some
which is both furious and fabulous in both its, well, power and rawness. I mean, what else can one
expect from a set list which kicks completely off with "Raw Power,"
"Search and Destroy," "Gimme Danger" and then "Your
Pretty Face Is Going To Hell," I ask you?!
Next though, things get even more raw as Iggy invites the
audience – that is, as many as the startled security staff will allow – to join
his Stooges on stage for "Shake Appeal" (I wonder if Edwin Samuelson
made it this time?). The accompanying mosh-eye-view offers all the unmistakable
cinematic aesthetics of your standard riot police surveillance footage …that
is, until Mr. Pop asks "the talented and personable New York State
dancers" to exit at song's end (and, in true New York State fashion, few
It should be noted however that Iggy doesn't return the
favor by leaping off stage, in his
own time-tested inimitable way, until twenty seconds into "Death
Trip." But by then we've already been treated to a deliciously
cheesy/sleazy rendition of "I Need Somebody" which would not sound
one inch out of place in that peeler bar a block behind your local bus station.
James Williamson's trademark teeth-pulling guitar work reaches all new depths
of delight on both this and the Sun Ra-by-way-of Mothers of Invention
"Night Theme" which follows Iggy's refreshing mid-"1970 (I Feel
Alright)" Evian water bath. P.S.: Special mention must be made here to
accompanying saxman-in-the-shadows Steve Mackay for helping keep the John
Coltrane/Harry Partch portion of the equation alive and honking.
"Beyond the Law," "I Got A Right,"
"I Wanna Be Your Dog" (complete with completely crazed audience
sing-along) and an encore "Fun House" wherein Iggy delivers "a
message to Heaven; to James Brown: Hey James? Lemme in!" and quicker than it all started there's just
"No Fun" left for the good citizens of Monticello.
But we the viewer
still have forty-four minutes of post-gig interviews with Iggy, James and Scott
"Rock Action" Asheton to enjoy, during which we discover the
"template" for "Death Trip" was none other than Frankie
Ford's "Sea Cruise" …not to mention Mr. Goldman learning all about
those notorious fade-outs, of course.
It must go without even saying that Raw Power, to say nothing of Iggy Pop himself, seems to have aged
not one iota since those g(l)ory days of '73. But what is surprising is just how perfectly this film captures every grunt,
howl and lambaste of the original's pointed purpose, doing both the landmark
album and its creators more than proud. Director/editors Joey Carey and Luis
Valdes should immediately be awarded a trunkful of Oscars for bravely adhering
to Iggy's "Fuck the dramatic hocus-pocus" edict throughout their
production, I do say.
Because, as no less an authority as the head Stooge Himself
proclaims, "This shit really sizzles and we are so obviously a crack band
in a class of our own."
Raw Power Live is
the living proof. Watch it today, and often.
Great review as always, Gary...